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"Zooom!..Han Solo Meets The Red Baron"

Updated: May 20, 2020

Into week 5 of the great Covid 2020 Lock-in thoughts began to turn towards images of some of my personal favourite great works of art. Having dabbled with a smaller piece 'Coronica', my take on Picasso's infamous Guernica (another larger version in the melting pot..), I thought i'd look to produce my own version of a lifelong favourite, Roy Litchenstein's "Whaam!". Major problem no.1 being that Id literally run clean out of ready made canvasses having used the last up on the 6 canvass piece of The Jam 'That's Entertainment'. What else to do but make my own using some materials from B&Q and cotton decorators sheets primed with acrylic Ghesso! Where needs must I guess..

What followed was a great opportunity to produce my own pop version of such an iconic original, with a twist.. Adapting an image from an old Commando comic, (much in the same way as in the Litchenstein), The Red Baron would take the pride of place as the US Sabre had in "Whaam!", diving into the image from the left to intercept (what?) in the right hand panel. Perhaps A Sopwith Pup exploding from the hail of bullets form the Baron's plane?.. hmm.. possibly, but it wasn't anything that different.. then it dawned on me how I could work Han Solo's Millennium Falcon into the image, easily outrunning the Baron and disappearing off into an alternative universe through a black hole represented by an explosive 'Pollock' style creation.

The end result is a vibrant re-engineering of an iconic piece of Pop Art, 100cms x 200cms Acrylic on home-made canvass, with Limited Edition prints available, 2 canvass coated boards 80cms x 80cms for each to make up the complete image.

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